Wednesday, 17 September 2008


Welcome to all students starting Media AS this year. You might find this link useful; it's a list of key terms with explanations. Explore the rest of the site they have great clips to teach you about editing and camerawork as well.

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

BBC Click Documentaries

Check out the video archives for documentaries on New Media Technologies:

Sunday, 17 February 2008

birds eye view film festival

Celebrating women in the film industry!

see trailer here:

and website:

Monday, 14 January 2008

Excellent Trailer

Talk about THRILLER. This film looks absolutely terrifying, i have seen this trailer twice this weekend and think it is one o fthe best i have ever scene. The guy's HAIR is scary, and his face when he is wrestling that man on the floor... wow, i had to look away from the screen.

The best moment is when they overlay the voice of the fat lady saying "D'ya wanna leave a message?" over the shot of him limping purposefully to the desk of the gas station. Also got the best shower curtain trick since psycho.

Watch the trailer, even if you can't get in to see the film:

The Directors Joel and Ethan Cohen have made plenty of good films which you can get on DVD. They have a really odd, (usually funny) style.
check out:
The Big Lebowski
O Brother Where Art Thou (which some of you may have already seen)

Welcome to YOUR blog

I have set up this blog as a way for you to discuss and give feedback on our own productions and any other short films, clips. music videos that you think are worth showing to the group.

Please add anything you like (as long as it is suitable) and offer constructive criticism to your peers!

Start uploading NOW!