Wednesday, 15 December 2010

The BBC Radio Quiz

Hi year 12 students,

This work is to be done by end of Thursday, 16th December:

Please find out about the history of the BBC as a media institution & how it has made use of technological change to reach its audiences. Answer the questions below in as much detail as you can, either on your blogs or in your exercise books, using this website (and any other sources you wish to find):

1. Who invented radio and when?

2. When was the BBC formed?

3. What was the vision of the first general manager for the BBC's purpose - and what was his name?

4. What does it mean that the BBC is 'independent' or 'impartial' and why is this important?

5. In what decade was TV invented?

6. How did the BBC change during World War II?

7. What new radio stations started up on the BBC in the 1960s?

8. Why did the BBC quarrel with the government in the 1980s?

9. What major technological development saw the BBC change the way they broadcast radio in the 1990s?

10. How have the ways the BBC reaches it audiences developed since 2000? Give as many facts as you can.

12. How the arrival of digital broadcasting affect BBC radio (name some of the new stations that were created)?

If you missed the lesson, or you didn't fully understand it on first viewing, you should watch the technological convergence video again now.

Thanks, Ms Warrington

ALSO for Ms Warrington's class: ONLY 3 STUDENTS have attempted to put their radio station research work up on their blogs. Not only have I totally lost my voice, I'm now disappointed too :-( Please sort this out before I next see you. You know who you are. Your task was to write a detailed post on your blog about a station you listen to, covering all three sides of the media triangle: target audience - who listens to it, where &and why; institution/producer - who makes it and how they broadcast it incl. use of convergence; product - what it's like (website design, typical programmes, kinds of music/djs)** The star prize goes to Asad for the best research post so far.

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Thursday, 9 December 2010

Cover Year 13 Ms Georgiou Friday 10th Dec

Sorry I’m not in guys :(
Can you please make sure you use this time productively as the deadlines are drawing near!
As you had 5 hours on Wednesday and now an hour today, I am expecting all ancillary tasks to be in by Monday. You should spend today’s lesson and after school if necessary in ILC completing these. Everyone must have a print task they can out their name to, so if your in a group of four I’m expecting two digi packs and two mag ad rough drafts- one each etc. In addition to this you should then create collective final pieces- which you have all had an input into. This is the best way to make sure you show a process in the creation of these print tasks- the journey and also will show how you collated your ideas as a group.
So by Monday
1. Research into real products from your chosen genre
2. Simple sketches of your designs/ examples of your ideas on paper
3. Rough designs which you did on Wednesday, playing around with images and photshop
3. Final print pieces which carry the style of your music video and link to each other.
(As always, make sure all designs and ideas have been influenced by your research. So you can say- this is what I have seen and therefore this is what we did!)

Friday, 26 November 2010

Music Video Planning and Research Checklist
- Research/ Examples of music videos: Post examples that you have taken inspiration from and comment on the ideas which you would like to use, eg, 'we noticed in this video and others of this genre there is the convention of an urban street setting, therefore we will aim to choose a similar setting so as to meet the expectations of the target audience for hip hop music'
It could be the props, the transitions, the editing pace, the use of costume - you are researching them to gain some idea of what the audience expect so make sure you use these expectations in your product.
1. Song choice and lyrics
2. Rough brainstorm of initial ideas
3. Your idea- your narrative (if you have one)- at this point GET AUDIENCE FEEDBACK
4. Cast list- preferably with photos so you can explain the image you have chosen and how it fits with your song
5. Props and Costume lists- again with pictures
6. Recce photos- locations you have chosen.
7. Storyboard- remember this is twice as long as your film opening and will have at least four times as many cuts because of the pace. You need a detailed guide in order to ensure you film enough to fill the song. (Think back to the Britney swede where the whole class storyboarded only the first 30 sec of the song!)- at this point GET AUDIENCE FEEDBACK
LINK ALL YOUR PLANNING IDEAS BACK TO YOUR RESERACH AND YOUR AUDIENCE FEEDBACK. Show that the decisions you are making are based around how much you know about what that audience want and the expectations from successful music videos.

- Examples of cd covers and magazine adverts. The mag ads are slighty harder to come by online and we may need to buy in some music mags but cd digipack anaylsis should be done by now. Post a few examples of real digipacks- again say what ideas you like, recognise what the creater has done, eg, star construction/ portatying a particular image through codes and signs.

Planning: Then post a sketch of your idea- based on the research you have done. Your research must inform your ideas or it is pointless!!!! The sketch does not have to be wonderful- its the paper draft of your digipack. Maybe even do a few - at this point GET AUDIENCE FEEDBACK
Dont say 'all the cd covers for RnB artists we looked at had the artist looking into camera and in the centre', and then do yours differently!! Remember you are looking for ideas and inspirations as to what the audience is expectingand how insititions sell their product.


Next we are ready for the real work- filming, refilming, re-shooting, re-storyboarding due to cast problems/ weather problems/ crew problems and continuity issues, filming again, editing, editing , editing and really creative evaluations. :)

Oh yeah, before you film you need to do a risk assessment. :)

Thursday, 19 August 2010

Understanding your grade...

Dear all,

Here is a link to the OCR site explaining the difference between UMS and raw marks. What you all got for your coursework this year was marked with a raw mark. When they look at the coursework for everyone in the country the boundaries change a bit. It looks like this year the standard was high so the boundaries shifted. It's explained on this link:

Otherwise, well done to everyone, we got the highest number of passes this year than ever before, LOADS of B grades and even a sneaky little A for one AS student. I'm so proud of you all. Enjoy the rest of the hols

Ms P

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Best Of Borough Film Awards

At some point over the next few weeks, you should all take a look at some of these films. They are funded by the UKFC development fund - giving young filmmalers the chance to make a professional quality short film. For these filmmakers, this is the first step on the ladder to becoming established feature directors or music video directors.

You can vote for your fave:

Tuesday, 6 July 2010


They'll be really useful context for your A2 exam unit

Saturday, 12 June 2010

Media Language For Question 1b

Dear Year 13,
I was hoping to have seen a few more of you over the last week. Luckily I am going to be around periods 2,3 and4 on Monday if you need help revising, need to ask any questions etc.

A few of you were worried about the term 'media language'. In brief, this refers to the stuff that you analysed at AS for the Tv drama. So what technical codes (specific shots, editing techniques, effects mise-en-scene, sound) did you use to comunicate your message to the audience. Basically how did you encode your production piece.

It may be that you will overlap slightly in things that you say for narrative and genre but that's ok. As long as you are more focused on the more technical aspects of what you did.

Hope that's clear, otherwise see you period 2,3 or 4 on Monday.

Ms Pollard

Tuesday, 20 April 2010


My Lessons as normal on thursday and friday. It has cost me hundreds of pounds to get back for these lessons, GOD/ALLAH HELP YOU IF YOU DON"T COME!

Sunday, 18 April 2010

work for thıs week

Hello team thırteen

Bad news - myself and ms G are both stuck abroad. She ıs ın NYC and ı am ın turkey. Very unlıkely we wıll be wıth you thıs week. Therefore you MUST manage yourselves. DO NOT SEE THIS AS A WEEK OFF. you only have about 5 more weeks before the exam so ALL TIME IS PRECIOUS.

Ok- here ıs what you should do. Fırstly - further down thıs blog there are sample exam questıons for sectıon A of the exam.
You can also prepare for thıs sectıon by plannıng answers to the followıng questıon,:
puttıng ONE of the words ın the gap ; medıa language / narratıve / genre / representatıon.

You can also use thıs tıme to catch up wıth Multıcultural Brıtaın stuff - go through the powerpoınts you have been gıven and try to answer the followıng questıons:

1)Dıscuss the contemporary representatıon of natıon regıon or socıal grou ın the medıa usıng specıfıc textual examples from at least two medıa (fılm and tv ın your case)

2) How far does the representatıon of a specıfıc socıal group change over tıme? refer to at least two medıa ın your answer.


See you soon. ı hope.

Ms Pollard

Monday, 1 March 2010

Unit G325 possible questions

Single focus questions
1.How have your creative skills developed?
2.How have your post production skills developed?
3.How have you developed your use of the conventions of real media texts?
4.How have your skills using digital technology developed?
5.How have you Research and Planning skills developed?

Possible combos
1.How has your use of Digital tech improved your research and planning skills?
2.How have your skills in using digital technology enabled you to improve you post production?
3.How has using digital technology enabled you to improve your creativity?
4.How has your understanding of the conventions of real media texts allowed you to improve your creativity?
5.How have your post production skills enabled you to improve your creativity?
6.Creativity in How have your research and planning skills enabled you to improve your creativity?
7.How has your understanding of the conventions of real media texts allowed you to improve your research and planning?

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Ashes to Ashes Gender Assessment

Discuss the ways in which the extract constructs the representation of gender using the following:
  • Camera shots, angles, movement and composition
  • Editing
  • Sound
  • Mise-en-scene

Sentence starter ideas:

... challenges the stereotype of Males/Females
... reinforces the stereotype...
... conforms to our expectations....
... is used to show...
... is used to emphasise...
... reinforces the idea that...
The director has deliberately... to create an effect...

Sunday, 10 January 2010

Excellent points from TV Drama Mock


Change from shallow deep focus to shallow focus to show suspicion of man in bus stop/vulnerability of Ben.
Montage of images with voice over emphasises he is questioning evolution
High and Low angle shots used with David up the Tree and Ben below with ice cream all over his face – show status (superiority of mind)
Reaction shot – David disgusted by Ben
First close up on Ben establishes his disability (down’s Syndrome) immediately


Props and colour used show the difference between the two boys in the bedroom
Costume – Ben dresses like normal teenager. Trying to be a normal teenager, held back by disability
Casting – using an actor with Down’s syndrome indicates the type of struggle
Different toys at the bus stop shows B is like a child


Fast cuts used in kitchen to show the hectic morning routine
Shot reverse shot used between D and B to emphasise the conflict or the difference between them
At bus stop sped up images and cuts to show the different days, different people with B and D there all the time – emphasises the sense of routine and that David is obliged to do the same thing every day


Voiceover (coupled with panning shot round D’s head) expresses the main characters internal thoughts
“Wouldn’t it be nice if we were older” suggests david feels trapped in his situation – wants to get older – more freedom
“Wouldn’t it be nice if we were older” cheery music in contrast to the stressful antagonistic atmosphere- their lives are not “nice”
Dialogue- david uses advanced vocabulary in contrast to Ben – shows his disability’s limitations